Scholarly publishing is a global community driven effort for the benefit of public. Qualiten Press embraces this cause and cares about the need of public through open access publishing, increasing accessibility, patient advocacy, promoting patient-scientist collaboration & discovering solutions.
Making science open to improve health care
Scholarly publishing is a unique industry where scholarly outputs are results of direct or indirect contributions made by each one of us, whether through funding, content creation or being a beneficiary of content.
We thank each of you for your contributions and support to the community in following ways:
Open & Peer-Reviewed Science
- Stringent peer review by subject matter experts (Editors & Reviewers)
- Unrestricted access to everyone worldwide
Accessibility & Easy to Understand Science
- Article-level Dictionary for scientific terms
- Article Text-to-Speech feature for accessibility
- Qualiten Insight content
Supporting Patient-Researcher Collaboration
- Promoting collaboration between researchers, patients, physicians, educators and others
- Building mutually beneficial networks
Rare Disease Advocacy – Rare Is Special
- Serving rare disease patients through promoting research, publishing disease facts, special stories, interviews, organizing events, etc.
Environment & Sustainability
- Protecting environment through tree plantation projects
- Fully digital publication to save paper, ink and other resources
Volunteering & Global Charity
- Volunteering in building a global support community
- Donations to promote research and development for medical cures
We believe that, “Public is the funder, creator and user of research; hence public should get unrestricted access to published research outcomes”. Hence, we developed Qualiten Journals to publish peer-reviewed open access (free-to-read) scholarly articles in the field of science, technology and medicine.
All submitted manuscripts go through internal quality control checks and independent peer review by subject matter experts (handling editors and peer-reviewers) before a decision of acceptation or rejection for publication is made by handling editor. To assist our readers and promote transparency, Qualiten Journals also publish Peer-Review Summary along with manuscripts. Additionally, we continuously monitor articles post-publication for any technical and factual errors. You may check more information about our ethics and policies at “Resources” and “Ethics”.
Qualiten Press is deeply involved in innovating and improving accessibility of scholarly articles for benefit of public. As a scholarly journals’ publisher, we are FIRST IN THE WORLD (as far as we know) to develop and implement following features in peer-reviewed scholarly journals that improve accessibility and understanding of scientific and medical content:
- Article-level Dictionary for easy understanding of scientific content for public.
- Article associated Authors’ Activity to increase collaboration between authors and users (such as other researchers and readers).
- Article Q&A to increase understanding of content and improve audience engagement.
Additionally, we implemented Text-to-Speech feature with each article to improve accessibility for all users, including people with visual impairments or reading difficulties.
Furthermore, through Qualiten Insight we publish easy-to-understand latest news, blogs, analysis, opinions, interviews, infographics, quizzes, humor, etc. to educate and inform public about latest developments in the field of science and medicine.
Scientists and physicians across the world, whether working in basic, translational or medical science, have an eventual goal to find solutions to persisting medical conditions and alleviate patients’ sufferings. Despite this goal, there is limited direct connectivity between patients and researchers because:
- More than 50% of published articles are locked behind the paywall of subscription-based journals, hence inaccessible to patients without a payment. Lack of accessibility of articles translates into decreasing connectivity.
- Most of scientific and medical literature is published in field-specific scientific jargon, which is hard to understand by people from unrelated fields. This again discourage connectivity.
- Unavailability of tailored networking platforms focused on connecting patients and researchers.
Qualiten Press publishes open access (free-to-read) scholarly content, article-level dictionary and directly promotes partnership between researchers and scientist through multiple incentives to researchers, such as reducing service fee for authors who are active members of any patient advocacy groups.
Rare Is Special is a niche program from Qualiten Services that supports rare diseases, patients and other organizations/individuals who are working tirelessly to find solutions of 7000+ rare diseases.
Rare Is Special promotes research and innovation in rare diseases by connecting patients, physicians, researchers, advocacy members, policy makers, drug developers, etc. at one platform. Rare Is Special publishes information on rare diseases & special stories, organizes events, promotes networking, provides other resources to patients, etc.
Qualiten Press is socially and environmentally responsible service provider. We believe in minimizing consumption of natural resources and building our planet for long-term sustainability of mankind and other lives. All our services – whether Qualiten Journals, Qualiten Insight or Rare Is Special – operate through secure & fully online platforms, significantly decreasing usage of paper, ink and other resources.
In honor of contribution towards scholarly content by our authors, editors and peer-reviewers, we support National Forest Foundation (a non-profit partner of United States Forest Service) in plantation of 10 plants for each article that we publish.
“We don’t need to be rich to start philanthropy. Charity is when we donate our time, skills or portion of profits to support causes or individuals who have otherwise limited or no means to reach certain positive outcomes” – by Qualiten Press
Qualiten Press continues to publish quality content because of volunteer time and skills devoted by our authors, editors, reviewers and readers. At Qualiten Press, we volunteer or donate in local science and healthcare related events to promote innovation and awareness for science. We also participate with global charities in supporting patients to be able to take part in clinical trials and connect with researchers.
Working together to create open knowledge
Whether you are author, reviewer, funder, advocacy group, healthcare provider or member of public, we look forward to listening to your ideas for partnering for promotion of open access scholarly communication. Please check our “Journals”, “Qualiten Insight”, “Partners” and “Resources for Partners” pages to explore more about us.
If you have questions, please check our up-to-date FAQs or contact us directly. We will be happy to help you and we look forward to working together.